Minsk 21:39

KGB reports spike in Western intelligence efforts, requests tougher legislation

February 22, BPN. The Committee for State Security (KGB) observes a spike in anti-Belarusian activity by all kinds of the collective West’s intelligence services, KGB Chairman Ivan Tertel has told the Council of the Republic.

The state media reports that he presented to members of the upper house a bill “On Amending Criminal Statutes,” which, among other things, provides for imposing the death penalty for high treason (Article 356 of the Criminal Code) on officials and military personnel.

“The main focus is recruitment work on persons who can obtain classified information, recruitment of law-enforcement officers and members of the state apparatus,” Tertel said, describing the alleged spy efforts. “Taking into account foreign special services’ aggressive activities to penetrate law-enforcement agencies and the state apparatus (by the way, the KGB has detained more than 10 traitors since the beginning of the year) and significant damage to national interests, the situation requires adopting comprehensive measures to neutralize these threats.”

According to him, the current version of Article 356 of the Criminal Code “does not cover all potentially vulnerable categories of state servants,” so “we suggest expanding the increased liability to […] all authorities.”

“In addition, we suggest toughening the punishment for state treason to include even the death penalty,” he continued. “Implemented in exceptional cases, this capital measure will become a serious deterrent for potential traitors.”

The Council of the Republic approved the bill. It is now to be signed by Alaksandr Łukašenka.

Belarus is the only country in Europe where the death penalty continues to be applied. Abolition of the death penalty was put to a referendum in 1996. According to official data, 80.4 percent of voters supported capital punishment.
