Minsk 03:23

Soldiers given more powers to use weapons, no warning shot

(Ministry of Internal Affairs)

February 5, Pozirk. Alaksandar Łukašenka has changed the army’s Internal Service Regulations to allow soldiers to shoot without warning at offenders.

Under the amended Paragraph 11 troops are allowed to use physical force, combat equipment and weapons depending on the nature of the offense and the identity of the offender.

The previous version authorized soldiers to use physical force and weapons only “if their tasks cannot be carried out by other means.”

Łukašenka also excluded the requirement for soldiers to fire a warning shot from the aforementioned paragraph.

However, troops must still warn offenders of their intention to use firearms, “except in cases where delay in their use would cause an immediate danger to the life of a serviceman or other citizens.”

Under the paragraph, servicemen are not liable for any damage caused by combat equipment and weapons. Łukašenka also removed a clause that provided for punishment for exceeding authority while using physical force, combat equipment and weapons.
