Minsk 07:04

Belarusian tank crews to be drilled in Russia for one month


September 20, Pozirk. A Belarusian main battle tank unit has left for Russia’s Nizhny Novgorod province for a month-long drill with the Russian troops at the Mulino training range, the defense ministry’s press office reported.

The drill draws on the Russian war experience in Ukraine and features shooting, tactics and driving, it noted.

After the start of Russia’s war in Ukraine, tank units have seriously changed tactics by withdrawing from the line of contact and attacking the enemy from closed firing positions, senior defense official Vital Kilčeŭski said earlier.

Joint training involving battle-hardened troops will benefit Belarusian crews, the ministry cited one of the commanding officers.

The Belarusian army regularly conducts drills amid Russia’s ongoing war on Ukraine.

Also read: Viciebsk region’s reservists called up for territorial troops drill
